Norse Mythology #1-4

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: December 31, 2020|Views: 3|


Dark Horse Comics; $3.99 each

Writers Neil Gaiman and P. Craig Russell and an impressive roster of artists have been adapting Gaiman’s novel, Norse Mythology, for comics, and the results thus far have made for great reading. It’s certainly understandable that for many comic book fans, Norse mythology leads straight to Marvel’s version of Thor and his supporting cast. Those stories have been fun for generations, but they’re not exactly faithful to the source material.

This work, instead, feels cut from the myths themselves.

Russell provides the layouts for the art and gives a solid consistency for pacing and design as he is paired with illustrators including Mike Mignola, Jerry Ordway, Piotr Kowalski, and David Rubin. Russell created the full art for one of the stories in the first issue, as well as for the main covers for the series. David Mack contributed variant covers for each issue thus far.

It would be a mistake to overlook the lettering of Galen Showman, whose work fits beautifully with Russell’s style. Showman has lettered each of the stories in these issues.

The tales begin with the creation of the Nine Worlds and unfurl from there. Great reading. Highly recommended.

– J.C. Vaughn
