RETRO REVIEW: Halloween: 30 Years of Terror

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 21, 2020|Views: 14|


Devil’s Due Publishing; $5.50

It’s been 30 years since Michael Myers killed multiple teenagers on Halloween night, but the people who survived his killing spree are still traumatized by the ordeal. This special one-shot comic catches up with Laurie Strode, Dr. Loomis, and Tommy Doyle, and a few others in the wake of that night.

Five stories fill the issue, including one about the neighbors who Tommy and Lindsay Wallace fled to for safety, a clever point of view tale that plays on Halloween’s visceral opening scene, and Tommy’s favorite comic, Tarantula Man, gets a few pages.

This was certainly written for fans of the Halloween movie franchise with tons of nods to the movies, but it’s also one that any fan of horror comics and/or seasonal books will enjoy.

Amanda Sheriff
