Silver Surfer #4

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: May 13, 2020|Views: 16|


Because COVID-19 has caused a major disruption in new comic books, for the next few weeks Scoop will reexamine issues, runs, trades, and titles that are already available. We’ll take a look at perennial classics, current titles we are enjoying, significant runs, and our overall favorite books to suggest some new reading material or inspire fellow comic fans to dust off the old favorites. And if you live near a comic shop that’s still open during this time, we hope our suggestions will prompt you to check out their back issue and collected edition inventory. 

Silver Surfer #4
Marvel Comics; 25¢

Jack Kirby gave Norrin Radd his context. Stan Lee’s words gave the character his soul. But John Buscema gave him his awesome, majestic power, and nowhere are the compelling visuals of this more on display that on the cover for Silver Surfer #4.

And what’s inside lives up to that cover, though in ways you might not expect. The issue doesn’t begin from the most original starting point: Loki wants to kill Thor. From there, though, Loki’s machinations get clever pretty quickly and drag the Surfer into the story. Despite its beginning and its ending – the Surfer remains trapped on Earth – what goes on in between is surprisingly subtle, particularly for what cold have just been a slugfest.

“Big John” Buscema’s fluid, elegant art defined many characters for Marvel over the course of his career there, but perhaps none as much as the Silver Surfer. It’s hard to take any cover that is so familiar and look at it with fresh eyes, but put yourself in the position of seeing it on the newsstand or spinner rack for the first time.

How could you pass this one up?

– J.C. Vaughn
