Rocko’s Modern Life #8

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: September 5, 2018|Views: 4|


KaBOOM!; $3.99

When we last saw Rocko he had suffered some rather unsavory treatment at the hands of his employer, Conglom-O. After discovering that their Pi-Hole device was faulty, Rocko desperately tried to warn Mr. Snooters and the resident of O-Town. Unfortunately for Rocko, an even bigger force was at play.

Now, tossed in the O-Town Insane Asylum, Rocko continues his plea to warn others about the dangers of Conglom-O and the Pi-Hole. All to no avail. Apparently, shouting about an evil corporation bent on controlling the town by depleting their economic infrastructure and using consumerism as a form of mind control isn’t all that believable. Of course, it doesn’t help that he’s in the loony-bin. Fortunately, Filburt and Heffer are on the case! The pair stage a nearly perfect escape and break Rocko out. It’s now up to the three of them to stop Conglom-O from taking over the world. But are they already too late? 

While the very real dangers of technology are my biggest fear, writer Ryan Ferrier has provided plenty of hilarity and fun to keep me from running away. Meanwhile, the wonderfully detailed art by Ian McGinty practically leaps off the page. Don’t miss out, grab your copy today!

Braelynn Bowersox
