The Powerpuff Girls The Time Tie #2

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: June 28, 2017|Views: 6|


IDW Publishing; $3.99

In the debut of The Powerpuff Girls The Time Tie miniseries, Blossom had been set back to the Wild West where she faced a varmint that was robbing a train to retrieve a Chronogem, i.e. her ticket home. Issue 2 (of 3) brings us the adventures of pirate Cap’n Bubbles and her crew, the Panda Pirates.

Cap’n Bubbles is happily sailing the high seas, living the pirate life, in search of her Chronogem. She learns of a map to the treasure where the Chronogem is hidden, but the map is already in the hand – and fork/hook – of Dread Pirate Neckbeard. Cap’n Bubbles and her Panda Pirates fight the scallywags in a rough and tough tavern then give chase across the sea only to be thwarted by a Kraken! Will Cap’n Bubbles find the Chronogem and be sent home to face Mojo Jojo, the diabolical fiend who sent her back in time?!

Haley Mancini and Jake Goldman are writing a pretty entertaining miniseries in The Time Tie. The regular monthly book had lost steam, so this more focused title has put the Powerpuff Girls on a steady track. So far each issue brings all the comical, cartoony architypes and motifs of the Old West and pirates days, which has been fun for readers of all ages. Given what appears on the teaser cover for issue 3, I can only imagine how funny the conclusion will be.

The art by Philip Murphy and colors by Leonardo Ito told the story very well, with the vibrancy of the series and cuteness of the girls and their companions. It’s a light, enjoyably goofy read if you want a break from more serious superhero titles.

Amanda Sheriff
