Illustration House’s Autumn Premier Auction
history of illustration, will be holding their Autumn Premier Auction of
gorgeous illustration art on November 9, 2002 at 1:00p.m. In addition to the
fantastic paintings and drawings, many with a definite Art Nouveau flair, this
auction also includes a few pieces of particular interest to the comic book fan.
Among them are two pen and ink book illustrations from Palmer Cox, featuring the
high-jinx and frivolity of The Brownies, two Krazy Kat Sunday
comic strips, one from 1917 and one from 1920, both signed by George Herriman,
and two Peanuts daily strips from 1964 and 1973. A preview is now
available for viewing at the gallery, located at 96 Spring Street in New York
City. If you don’t think you can make it to New York for this exciting event,
you can preview select highlights online at
and obtain an absentee bid form by calling 212-966-9444.
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