Terminator #2

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: November 13, 2024|Views: 17|


Dynamite; $4.99

Terminator #2 is set in Saigon during the Vietnam War. As the North Vietnamese Army arrives in the city, US troops prepare to leave the area. While one soldier leaves his post to retrieve “treasure” he’s hidden outside of the city, a Terminator arrives and starts hunting for him.

Dropping a Terminator into a war zone is an interesting concept. In this case, writer Declan Shalvey, artist David O’Sullivan, and colorist Colin Craker show readers what one of the killing machines would do against heavily armed soldiers with access to tanks.

While this story does not include characters from the first issue, it does share a similarity in that the reader does not learn why the Terminator is after the protagonist. It keeps the focus on the Terminator’s single-minded pursuit as an unstoppable killing machine.

Amanda Sheriff
