New York Comic Con Adds Retailer Day

Categories: Comic News|Published On: August 19, 2024|Views: 3|


New York Comic Con is expanding to a five-day event by adding a Retailer Day. The main portion of the convention is scheduled for Thursday through Sunday, October 17-20, 2024, and the Retailer Day will now kick things off on Wednesday, October 16.

The Retailer Day is a closed door event that is only open to comic book retailers and sponsors of the con (anyone with a pro badge). It will be open from 12 PM and 9 PM with programming, meet-ups, and more comic industry content throughout the day.

Programming presented by ComicPRO, Lunar Distributions, and Tiny Onion includes “Get Your Shop on the News: PR Basics,” “Benefits of Collaborating with Fellow Retailers/Intro to ComicsPro,” “Working with Schools and Libraries,” and “Speed Networking with Comic Book Retailers.”

Additionally, there will be exclusive swag for retailers like a variant edition of The Department of Truth #25 featuring a new cover by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell.
