Ribbon Queen #8

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: February 28, 2024|Views: 3|


AWA; $3.99

Detective Amy Sun has learned the secrets of Her Majesty, aka the Ribbon Queen, and has come face to face with Geary, the man who killed her friend Clayton and took his skin. More than one solution presents itself to end the grisly murder streak, forcing Amy to decide which side of morality is right – and which side is just.

Garth Ennis brings Ribbon Queen to a satisfying conclusion in this issue. The series has routinely presented moral quandaries and challenged the corruption of people in positions of power, while also questioning what type of punishment they deserve. The latter plays out in truly gruesome art by penciler Jacen Burrows, inker Guillermo Ortego, and colorist Dan Brown.

It’s a really good book for readers who appreciate a story where heroes take on the fake good guys, and for fans of horror.

Amanda Sheriff
