Space Ghost Back in Comics at Dynamite
Space Ghost, the hero and guardian of the spaceways is returning to comics in May 2024, presented by Dynamite and Warner Bros. The comic is led by the creative team of writer David Pepose (Punisher) and artist Jonathan Lau (Green Hornet).
“Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. The Galactic Federation’s territories are spread across the cosmos, far and wide in the vastness of space,” Dynamite’s description reads. “At the scale of the cosmic landscape, pirates, hijackers, and other nefarious actors are able to slip stealthily through the pitch black, ransacking distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists that inhabit them. They’ve often been able to get away with impunity. Yet a powerful force is set to put a stop to this, a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice throughout the known galaxy, bringing vengeance to those who prey upon the defenseless.”
The comic will start with a surprise attack on Space Colony Omicron and only Space Ghost can save them from the space pirates.
“I’m so excited to be diving into the world of Space Ghost,” Pepose said. “When Dynamite first approached me about tackling this series, I was immediately struck by the sheer amount of raw material we had to play with – the cartoons were immensely stylish and a heck of a lot of fun, but they never had the time to develop those characters beyond their powers and the roles they played in each episode. So we’re taking those classic vibes and using them as a starting point to dig even deeper into the characters than the original cartoons were ever able to.”
Space Ghost will feature covers by Francesco Mattina, Jae Lee, Bjorn Barends, and Michael Cho.
The first issue is solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ March 2024 PREVIEWS catalog and will be in stores in May.