Know Your Station #3

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: February 8, 2023|Views: 5|


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Things are getting very messy on the luxurious station known as the First Resort. As Elise is going through detox from the drug called Blue, she starts to question what is real and what is a hallucination. The mounting evidence points to Elise being the possible murderer, then there’s the suspicious appearances of her friend Marin around the crime scenes.

Revelations come fast and often in this issue of Know Your Station by Sarah Gailey. There’s more murder, lots more questions, theories about who the killer could be, and a few more monkey wrenches that make Elise’s job harder. With the mystery becoming more complicated and the murders getting nastier, it’s getting harder for Elise to keep the situation quiet and causing a panic on the First Resort.

Amanda Sheriff
