Origins of Marvel Comics: The 50th Anniversary Edition
What Chris Ryall has done with this already important book is a tremendous service to fans, historians, and collectors...
What Chris Ryall has done with this already important book is a tremendous service to fans, historians, and collectors...
Writer Jim Zub, artist Doug Braithwaite, and colorist Diego Rodriguez infuse the fourth story arc in Titan’s ongoing...
The Harvey Awards, named for writer and artist Harvey Kurtzman, returned to New York Comic Con on Friday, October 18, 2024...
Archie comics have always had a finger on the pulse of teenage trends, tapping into the current clothing styles, slang, and interests...
Each week for the last decade, Amanda Sheriff has prepared Scoop for publication. Not always without help, but the overwhelming...
The latest ComicLink Focused Auction has been closing for the past few weeks, but there is still a large selection of certified comic books...
The Ramones helped invent punk music by driving home the meaning of the style. They were not particularly refined...
Dr. Spektor and his secretary, Lakota Rainflower, head to Transylvania to investigate rumors about a vampire known as Baron Tibor...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for October 4-10, 2024...
Actress Sigourney Weaver celebrates 75. Check out more celebrity birthdays...