Black, White & Bloodshot #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: September 26, 2024|Views: 16|


Valiant; $4.99

Bloodshot, the nanite-infused super-soldier and the world’s deadliest assassin is starring in a new four-issue miniseries. Four stories are presented in the debut issue, starting with Bloodshot lamenting his lot in life while on a mission. A movie he is excited to see gets interrupted by a gunman and he must face a murderous, twisted version of Mickey Mouse in the following stories. It ends with a horror adjacent tale about using his self-repairing body as a food supply.

As the name implies, Black, White & Bloodshot is presented entirely in black and white with splashes of red. The presentation adds to the somberness of the stories and the violence that Bloodshot inevitably doles out. Ariel Olivetti’s art in the first story is particularly beautiful in its realism.

Bloodshot is a tragic figure, and the stories reflect that. They’re mostly about Bloodshot being a killing machine, whether he wants to be or not, and in most scenarios, he uses his abilities to help people. All four stories are interesting and well written, acting as a very good reintroduction to the character.

The issue starts with a nice tribute to Bloodshot co-creator Don Perlin who passed away in May 2024, written by fellow co-creator Kevin VanHook.

Amanda Sheriff
