Cover by Dick Giordano
Title: “The Deadly Numbers Game!”
Synopsis: Batman investigates a series of numerically inspired crimes that seem designed to help promote a wax museum.
Writer: Frank Robbins
Penciler: Irv Novick
Inker: Dick Giordano
Review: This lead feature is a by-the-numbers Bat-offering – pun fully intended. Frank Robbins wrote some fine Batman stories – see the last tale in this issue for one such example – but this silly mystery falls flat. The same can be said for the serviceable art of Irv Novick and Dick Giordano.
Title: “Return of the Flying Grayson!”
Synopsis: Robin investigates the theft of several works of art – including a painting of the Flying Graysons.
Writer: Elliot S. Maggin
Penciler: Irv Novick
Inker: Frank McLaughlin
Review: So many convenient coincidences crammed into so few pages! A stinker of a story featuring more journeyman art.
Title: “The Batman Nobody Knows!”
Synopsis: Bruce Wayne takes three “ghetto-hardened kids” camping, and the youngsters share their thoughts about the Batman.
Writer: Frank Robbins
Artist: Dick Giordano
Review: This poignant story with fantastic art explores the Batman mystique and touches on the importance of representation. A real gem!
Grade (for the entire issue): B-
Second opinion: Included on Alan Brightmore’s “Individual Comics That You Should Not Be Without” list, from “A Consumer’s Guide to D.C. Comics, Part 2,” Comics Unlimited #51 (October-November 1979).
Cool factor: “The Batman Nobody Knows!” is an underrated classic.
Not-so-cool factor: Why is Bruce Wayne taking three underage kids camping alone in the woods? Fredric Wertham isn’t going to like this!
Notable: “The Batman Nobody Knows!” was included in “The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told” collection. The “Letters to the Batman” letters page includes LOCs from future Bat-writers Mike W. Barr and Bob Rozakis.
Character quotable: “A one-man army! The Batman is Muhammad Ali – Jim Brown – Shaft – an’ Super-Fly all rolled into one!” – Ronnie, “ghetto-hardened kid”
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