BRONZE AGE MINUTE: Conan the Barbarian #16
Marvel; July 1972
Cover by Barry Windsor-Smith (as Barry Smith)
Title: “The Frost Giant’s Daughter”
Synopsis: After slaughtering some Norse barbarians, Conan follows a naked female through the snow – and into a trap.
Writer: Roy Thomas
Penciler: Barry Windsor-Smith (as Barry Smith)
Inker: Windsor-Smith
Review: The lead story, reprinted (sans nudity) from Savage Tales #1, is a good one, though Conan’s give-her-what’s-coming-to-her attitude is disturbing. Barry Windsor-Smith’s art is nowhere near as polished as it would become, but it’s well on its way here. All told, an enjoyable outing to the Hyborian Age.
Title: “The Sword and the Sorcerers!”
Synopsis: When a writer plans to kill off his barbarian creation, he comes face to face with Starr the Slayer.
Writer: Roy Thomas
Penciler: Barry Windsor-Smith (as Barry Smith)
Inker: Windsor-Smith
Review: This clever tale by Roy Thomas, from Chamber of Darkness #4, illustrates how much Barry Windsor-Smith’s art had already improved.
Grade (for the whole issue): B+
Cool factor: Putting these two reprints together under the same cover really shows how rapidly Barry Windsor-Smith improved.
Notable: This issue also reprints “The Hyborian Age of Conan” map (from Conan the Barbarian #2).
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