BRONZE AGE MINUTE: DC Comics Presents #84

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: July 19, 2024|Views: 2|


Cover by Jack Kirby and Greg Theakston

Title: “Give Me Power… Give Me Your World!”
Synopsis: A nefarious Kryptonian criminal shows up on Earth, taking control of Superman and the Challengers of the Unknown.

Writer: Bob Rozakis
Penciler: Jack Kirby and Alex Toth
Inker: Greg Theakston

Review: This issue prompts seriously mixed feelings. On one hand, it’s awesome seeing post-post-prime Jack Kirby still getting work and being treated with proper respect (’80s era DC didn’t even feel the need to have Superman’s face redrawn). But the work itself is… rather sad. The King’s epic sense of power – long his trademark – has dimmed almost beyond recognition. Pages by fellow master Alex Toth are better, but also long of tooth. Add in a stitched-together story and clunky characterization and this one is a late Bronze Age curiosity best left in the back issue bins.

Grade: C-

Cool factor: Long live the King…
Not-so-cool factor: …even when his reign was clearly over.

Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 95¢ Canadian variant of this issue. According to, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable: “It’s a shame, Lara, that there are people who disagree with the way Krypton is being run and try to take over. But I suppose every civilization gives rise to its own malcontents.” – Jor-El, all in on Krypton’s incarceration policies

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