BRONZE AGE MINUTE: Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane #112

Categories: Bronze Age Minute, The Spotlight|Published On: March 12, 2021|Views: 12|


Cover by Dick Giordano

Title: “A Tree Grows in Metropolis!”
Lois Lane finds herself with a rival for Superman’s affection: a sentient, alien tree with erotic dreams of world domination.

Writer: Cary Bates
Werner Roth
Vince Colletta

Review: Oh, Superman’s Girlfriend Lois Lane, you’ve never been a good series, but your kitschy coolness keeps getting kitschy cooler. It’s hard to beat that groovy Dick Giordano cover, but the main story tries. One part weird romance, one part sci-fi, this Silver Age-influenced throwback isn’t good, but it is good fun.


Tite: “Superman’s Secret Family!”
A new radio telescope reveals Superman’s secret life on another world – a life that includes a mermaid wife and superkid!

Writer: Uncredited
Kurt Schaffenberger

Review: This reprint from Lois Lane #30 is a nice reminder of just how silly Silver Age sci-fi can be.


Title: “Rock and Rose”
Thorn continues her battle with the 100 at a hippie rock concert in Metropolis Park.

Writer: Robert Kanigher
Dick Giordano

Review: With its overwritten narrative and hippie references, this backup feature is kitschy cool, too. Added bonus: nice Dick Giordano art.

Grade (for the entire issue): B

Cool factor: Seriously? Look at that cover. And read the synopsis for the lead story again. How can this issue not be cool?

Character quotable:Drink, my love, so our vines may be entangled forever!” – Rzalin, a sentient, alien tree hellbent on hooking up with Superman

A word from the editorial director: “First, we would like to thank you for buying this DC magazine even though it has cost you more than usual. But the fact that you bought it is what turns us on.” – Carmine Infantino, sharing perhaps too much information in an editorial note in this issue

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