Buffy the High School Years: Parental Parasite

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: July 5, 2017|Views: 4|


Dark Horse; $10.99

Buffy the High School Years is back and this time trouble gets way too close to home in Parental Parasite. After Buffy is caught skipping school again, her mom decides to become a more active presence in Buffy’s life. But the Slayer is tracking a bizarre little demon that takes the guise of a child then hypnotizes adults into taking care of it. Problem is, the adults will put the literal demon-child’s very demanding needs above their own, putting themselves in danger. And guess who gets the whammy put on her while waiting for Buffy? That’s right, Sunnydale’s favorite mom, Joyce Summers.

Parental Parasite was another good edition to the Buffy the High School Years graphic novel line by Kel McDonald. She is clearly a fan of the TV show and extended franchise, picking up the little details of the Slayer and the Scoobies. The title also very clearly puts Buffy and Co. back in high school with stories that are less complicated than the current Season run. It’s like rewatching early episodes of the TV show.

Yishan Li’s art also sets the title apart from the current ongoing series. There are manga influences with how the characters are drawn and the bright color choices, but it’s still very clearly a Buffy book. The characters are expressive, everyone is rocking late ’90s threads, and the mood is smoothly altered by the setting.

Amanda Sheriff
