Cable #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: March 11, 2020|Views: 5|


Marvel; $4.99

Cable is a character known for a few key things – a distinctly ‘90s fashion style (complete with plenty of pockets and pouches), a metal arm, a glowing eye, several huge guns, and for being a pretty salty old guy. This Cable is pretty obviously not that Cable, but he’s Cable nonetheless. No longer acting as a seasoned time-traveling mutant warrior, this younger, fresher Cable is making the most of his time on the mutant homeland of Krakoa. After removing a sword lodged in a resident monster, Cable forges a psychic connection to a past space knight – and maybe accidentally wakes up another generation of space knights in the process.

Cable’s one of my personal favorite comic book characters, so I couldn’t wait to read this book after it was announced. I certainly had some concerns regarding de-aging Cable in such a dramatic fashion, but thankfully the creative team really pulls it off in a convincing fashion. The artwork especially is incredible and expressive and manages to capture the essence of Cable’s personality even in his younger body. With everything Marvel has been doing with the X-Men as of late, this is probably a book worth paying attention to, even if you’re not as much of a fan of the title character as I am.

-Carrie Wood
