Captain Marvel #14
Marvel; $3.99
Carol has been tasked with killing the Avengers by the mutated Kree known as the Vox Supreme, and she has apparently been fulfilling that task – but in reality, she’s been stashing the real Avengers inside the Singularity pocket dimension to try and trick Vox. After handling Thor and Tony in this fashion, T’Challa is next – but he’s got one big, mean, green backup machine.
Captain Marvel has had to strike a delicate balancing act in this arc, trying to appear as a villain so that Vox trusts her, making sure that she can overpower the other members of the team long enough to throw them into the Singularity. But it’s all an act, and Vox seems to know that something is up; once Vox finds out, it’s unlikely that it’s going to turn out well for anyone. It’s been a really compelling story arc so far though – and it’s always fun to see Carol go toe-to-toe with other powerful heroes – so I look forward to seeing how this all plays out.
-Carrie Wood