The students of Cobra Kai, Eagle Fang, and Miyagi-Do are joining forces to compete in the Sekai Taikai international karate tournament...
From 1993 to 1994, Topps Comics’ Kirbyverse was a line of titles and a comic book universe based on previously unpublished character...
The next chapter in Keanu Reeves’ BRZRKR series will reveal secrets from B.’s past during the 1800s when the US was about to engage...
Residents in the rural area of Appalachia are in danger as a harbinger for the devil goes to work in Hellboy: The Crooked Man. Starring Jack Kesy...
Diamond Comic Distributors has announced a second wave of PREVIEWS exclusive items for Comic-Con International: San Diego, taking place...
The Norman Rockwell Museum is exploring the art and satire of MAD magazine in the exhibit, What, Me Worry? The Art and Humor of MAD...
On July 1, 1999, Stephen Fishler and Vincent Zurzolo announced a major merger between the vintage comic book dealers then-best known...
Comedic actor Martin Mull, who was known for Fernwood 2 Night and Clue, died on Thursday, June 27, 2024. His daughter, Maggie, shared that...
Actor Bill Cobbs, who starred in The Bodyguard, died on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. He was 90 years old...
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Anthony Del Col will be at the Diamond Book Distributors booth at the American Library Association...