Baltimore Comic-Con has added Dean Haspiel, Charlie McElvy, and Peter Rostovsky to their guest list of comic creators who will appear...
Diamond Comic Distributors is partnering with Funko on a one of a kind PREVIEWS exclusive Pop! Vinyl figure of El Diablito from Loteria...
The Nun possessed by the demon Valak is back in The Nun II. Entertainment Weekly got the first look at the new movie, which is set in...
The Great Escape is an epic war/adventure film that starred the incredible cast of Steve McQueen, James Garner, and Richard Attenborough...
Vault Comics and Skullcandy, the audio company that specializes in headphones and earbuds, have established a partnership. Skullcandy will...
Greta Gerwig is leaving the dream house and traveling through a magical wardrobe. The Barbie director has signed on to direct feature...
The Nightmare Before Christmas, Tim Burton’s beloved animated film that blends Halloween and Christmas themes, is turning 30 years old...
Daryl Dixon has traveled from Atlanta to Alexandria to the Commonwealth, and will soon find himself in France. The Walking Dead has released...
Oscar and Tony-winning actor Alan Arkin died on Thursday, June 29, 2023. His passing was reported by his sons Adam, Anthony, and Matthew...
Searching for the perfect gift for the nerd in your life? Look no further, Sparkle Designs is your one-stop shop for unique, handcrafted...