In June 2023, Steven Spielberg’s imaginative, action-adventure movie Jurassic Park turned 30 years old. In celebration of that...
Valiant Entertainment and international comic publisher Alien Books are partnering to expand Valiant’s publishing reach. Alien Books and...
Otto Binder’s long awaited unpublished 1953 story The Unwanted was finally published in February 2023 and is now available...
Dynamite and Humble Bundle are teaming up to bring over 4,000 pages of The Boys digital comics with The Boys & The Supes Humble Bundle...
Space cops are cleaning up the galaxies one perp at a time in Star Marshals by Dan Taylor and Chris Fason. The sci-fi buddy cop comic...
Heritage’s Comics & Comic Art Signature Auction began on Thursday, June 22, 2023, already seeing mighty results for the four-day event...
Who doesn’t want a toy that produces candy? That’s the simplistic genius of Pez, the cute plastic character toys that dispense little candy...
When Marvel introduced romance magazines in the late 1960s, Suzan (Lane) Loeb wrote the advice column “Suzan Says” for titles...
Comics artist and writer Bob Hall co-created the West Coast Avengers, and was the writer/artist on Valiant’s Shadowman and Armed...
Joe Staton is a comic artist and writer known for co-creating Huntress/Helena Wayne, Kilowog, and the Omega Men. He has worked...