Unity is the Valiant superhero team dedicated to stopping larger threats that a single hero could not vanquish on his/her own. The team was...
In 1934, a time before household televisions were even an option and all the radio shows were typically aired in the evening, Don McNeill...
The 1970s saw a transition in filmmaking. Restrictions on content were loosening, young filmmakers were shirking the grand scale...
Northstar, aka Jean-Paul Beaubier, the brainchild of Chris Claremont and John Byrne, made his debut appearance in X-Men #120...
Jason Wyngarde, aka the Mastermind, is a Marvel villain and regular antagonist to the X-Men who can create psionic illusions and alter...
The concept of baby talk dates back centuries but never has it been more comedically conveyed and deftly handled than in Sheldon Mayer’s...
The ThunderCats is an animated TV series about a race of aliens on Earth who look like humanoid cats. Created by Ted Wolf, the show...
In 1963, DC Comics introduced readers to a ragtag team of superheroes who drastically differed from the superhero mold of that time...
During the late 1970s into the early ‘80s, the Parker Brothers were dominating the toy industry. Since their creation, they have produced...
Martin Goodman had parlayed his relative success in pulps into the Timely line of comics. That venture, of course, evolved over the years...