Following the success of G.I. Joe and Transformers, Hasbro, Sunbow Productions and Marvel teamed once more to introduce a singer...
Isabella Magdalena Gnucci, aka Ma Gnucci, is a Marvel villain created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon. She is the head of a New York crime...
Sometimes, the simplest games are the best, and Pac-Man is a perfect example of that. A yellow guy eats dots...
Sandra Woosan, aka Lady Shiva, is the ambiguous type of character who has helped the likes of Batman, but has also been...
Kang the Conqueror is one of the most formidable villains in Marvel Comics. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced him 60 years ago...
Penelope Pitstop went from racecar driver to endangered heiress in Hanna-Barbera Productions’ The Perils of Penelope Pitstop...
Sophia Loren is an Italian actress who has spent nearly 70 years acting in Italian and American films and TV series. She is an Academy Award...
The Bat-Family has been incredibly expansive over the years, but perhaps one of the most interesting members...
Bewitched is a fantasy sitcom about a witch who marries an ordinary man and pretends to be the average housewife, but inevitably uses...