Created by Roy Huggins (who also created The Fugitive, 77 Sunset Strip, and The Rockford Files), Maverick was a Warner Brothers...
Since his debut appearance in 1941, Aquaman has remained an enduring staple of the DC Universe. But in the late 1950s, during the superhero...
Across his career, comic book and television writer Brian K. Vaughan has won multiple Eisner and Harvey Awards for his work in Runaways...
If a kid wanted to share a secret with someone else or learn something special about their favorite show, they could do so with secret...
As the embodiment of fear, Parallax is the power source for the Sinestro Corps and a dangerous foe of the Green Lantern Corps...
We all know that Bessie Coleman was a pioneering black aviatrix, but did you know that she actually wasn’t the first African-American woman...
Marvel’s superheroine Sif is an Asgardian warrior with superstrength, speed, agility, and reflexes, she is a skilled fighter, heals very quickly...
For just one year, Red Rube graced the pages of Zip Comics and garnered quite a few fans in the process. He emerged with familiar...
Laser tag is a physical, interactive game in which participants use plastic guns that emit an infrared light to tag their opponents...
On the surface, it might not seem like the most solid of concepts, but Planet of Vampires was one of the...