As a scientist and supernatural being, John Jonah Jameson III has a special connection with the moon. Created by Stan Lee...
Several decades ago, pop culture was forever changed when an anthropomorphic mouse strolled out in his iconic red shorts and yellow...
The Sandman comic published by Vertigo told the story of Dream, a figure who aptly rules over the world of dreams. During the beginning...
If you were to close your eyes and picture a short man with crazy auburn hair and a ridiculously oversized green hat, who would...
When Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created the X-Men, and by extension mutants, they opened the door to endless potential for unique characters...
Between May 1927 and August 1928, Disney’s animation studio produced 26 films featuring a slick, enthusiastic rabbit named Oswald...
Mary Shelley was a 19th century novelist whose most famous work is still an important part of the 21st century pop culture lexicon...
Everyone knows about the colorful plastic toys you use by holding it to the light and clicking through disc after round disc of picture slides...
In October 2003, writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore introduced comic readers to a new kind of zombie story with The Walking Dead...
Following the intensity of World War II, young adult males lost interest in caped crime busters and wanted more compelling themes. And thus...