Black Bag #1 introduces readers to Renear and Robert, an attractive, wealthy couple. But things aren’t quite as they seem because Renear...
In 2018, the Hulk received a new titular series with Immortal Hulk. With Bruce Banner believed to be dead, both Bruce and the Hulk attempt...
In 2002, Wildstorm, the former Image Comics studio turned DC Comics imprint, launched a number of new titles...
Garfield is back in comics with stories of adventure and a mission for food. The first story sees Garfield trying to figure out how...
I have no idea how Conan purists will react to the lead story by writer Frank Tieri and Conan veteran Cary Nord, but it is a...
Cheetara is known for being a protector and warrior with unmatched speed and agility. But before landing on Earth, she was a young woman...
Private investigator Will Profane is investigating the death of Spud Coltrane. But things take a very weird turn when Will discovers that he...
It was neither earth-shattering nor character-defining, but the 1983 four-issue Green Arrow miniseries was a solid...
Back in the days when each character didn’t always have their own title – or six of them – series like Marvel Two-in-One and...
Betty and Veronica throw a girls night pool party to introduce old friends to new, but things don’t go as planned when uninvited guests show up...