One of my favorite almost-unknowns from that time, Nemesis Comics’ Frank. In terms of tone and approach, this modern take on...
The ThunderCats were forced to flee their home of Thundera when it was destroyed by the Mu’Tants of Plun-Darr. Only one ship safely...
Detective Amy Sun found the clubhouse where the tactical team has gathered to assess the horrific deaths of their teammates. But Amy...
Evelyn Evernever is heartbroken when something terrible happens to her doll and best friend Minerva, and may go to great lengths...
Writers Declan Shalvey and Rory McConville have kept Time Before Time a very compelling series since the first issue, and now that they...
It opens with a mystery (Who is the old man on his deathbed in a hospital in 1939?) and ends with the powerful, colorful...
During the summer of 2016 Valiant told an ambitious epic, set in the 41st century. In the year 4001 A.D., New Japan...
Jean-Pierre Gibrat’s prequel to Flight of the Raven, introduces Cécile (the sister of Flight of the Raven’s protagonist, Jeanne)...
Nexus co-creator writer Mike Baron, who also created The Badger and had a great run on The Punisher, teamed up with artist Pat Broderick...
As per usual, things aren’t going well for the crew of the Serenity. They touched down in a town called Beloved for a job, and soon learned...