After the calamitous events of the previous issues, there appear to be more than a few fault lines in the relationships between...
Virgil Ovid Hawkins gained his powers as Static the same way the other “bang baby” denizens of Dakota did, when they were...
St. Canard has created a Darkwing Duck statue to honor his many heroic and daring exploits. Launchpad, Gosalyn, even Herb Muddlefoot...
Love is in the air in Riverdale. New character Cassie Cloud is introduced in the first story, catching the attention of Riverdale’s...
The early days of Static have often been compared favorably in tone to the early Stan Lee-Steve Ditko issues of...
Exarch Fane is using the Book of Shadows to partake in the Dark Feast with plans of gaining unlimited power by sacrificing our world...
While there have been a number of really interesting takes on the character since Valiant returned to the comic book market, this...
The previous issue of Ninjettes shocked the surviving girls when they tried to escape, but instead found another testing site. But Steph...
Amanda McKee is Livewire, superpowered psiot with teletechnopathic abilities who can access and control anything in the digital world...
Now in paperback, this Harvey Award-winner for Best Biographical Book has been updated to clarify Toth’s early married life in the...