Originally released by Eclipse, Ms. Tree has an interesting history; Eclipse, First Comics (in a crossover mini-series with E-Man’s...
Whether on Criminal, The Fade Out, Incognito, their current Reckless series, or any of their other projects, writer Ed Brubaker...
The Basilisk limited series comes to an end in issue 12. Hannah is finally getting her face to face confrontation with Vanessa...
Editor Michael Eury and his contributing writers dig deep into Marvel’s Bronze Age for what they call “Not-Ready-for-Primetime...
I’m a big fan of the zombie genre. I remember nightly local news updates during the filming of George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead...
Amanda McKee is Livewire, superpowered psiot with tele-technopathic abilities who can access and control anything in the digital world...
The first arc of Grim concludes in issue 5 and it is a doozy. End has chased Jessica and her fellow reaper friends from the afterlife to Las Vegas...
Harley Quinn celebrates her 30th anniversary in animation and comics with a 100-page super spectacular. The special comic features...
Torso, the 1999 Eisner Award Winner for Comic Book Excellence, is back in print with a new Jinxworld edition from Dark Horse...
Rogues’ Gallery introduces Maisie Wade, an actress who portrays comic book heroine Red Rogue on a very popular TV show...