Armed & Dangerous was originally a four-issue black and white limited series written and illustrated by veteran comic book artist...
When Ruth, a young, married woman, is unexpectedly widowed and finds her circumstances unfavorably changed, she follows...
The isolation of the open sea has found a target in Sea of Sorrows. The crew have devolved into lunacy and pandemonium...
One of the most distinctive characters of the indy comics movement of the 1980s is back in a new, crowdfunded collection...
Bad Idea is setting a solid foundation of not doing the same thing with each release. While they’ve had a few issues with...
While fans of the Wynonna Earp TV show continue fighting to find the show a new home after its run ended on Syfy...
The newest in IDW’s Goosebumps series, based on the stories of R.L. Stine, returns to one of the author’s most popular spots: Fever Swamp...
Red Sonja, the bikini-clad warrior, is back in a new series of adventure and heroics. The first issue reintroduces Red Sonja...
The mysteries of the deep become the horrors of the surface in Sea of Sorrows #4. Life on the ship has been tense since the voyage began...
The first issue of Specter Inspectors introduced the ghost hunting team of recent college grads Noa, Astrid, and Ko, and Noa’s 15-year-old sibling...