Giant monsters, aka Kaiju. Between them and us stand the United Science Patrol. And when the threat is too big, there’s...
After finishing her semester abroad, Willow is taking the long way home and found the small town Abhainn – a town completely inhabited...
Britt Reid and Kato were investigating a missing employee of The Daily Sentinel when they were assaulted by an explosion. From the rubble...
Nancy, Frank, and Joe have finally found a solid lead to the Syndicate in the menacing Barber. After a confrontation with the assassin...
Unlike their science fiction- and horror-themed anthologies, Alien Worlds and Twisted Tales, which were produced by Bruce Jones...
The solicitation from Image Comics described Pulp as “One part thriller, one part meditation on a life of violence…” and rarely has...
As a comics publisher, Charlton was something of an also-ran, but they certainly had their moments. In addition to some solid...
Mal’s assignment as Sheriff of Georgia Space Sector was supposed to be an easy gig. That was before a murder investigation led to Blue Sun...
The Ark has created ethnic-specific bioweapons to target certain members of the worldwide population, and if that wasn’t horrifying enough...
Under a photo cover featuring Vin Diesel from the Bloodshot film, Valiant offers two stories, each spotlighting one of...