It’s no secret to regular Scoop readers that I’ve been a big fan of writer Ed Brubaker and artist Sean Phillips’ creator-owned series...
The Blue Sun event comes to a close in Firefly Blue Sun Rising #1. In the last issue of Firefly, the crew of Serenity successfully shut down...
Roy Thomas, the writer who first brought Conan to comics in 1970, is teamed with artist Steve McNiven, while Kurt Busiek, who authored...
Writers Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson and artist Dev Pramanik continue their exploration of the worlds and characters...
A creation of cartoonist Judd Winick, Barry Ween is a 10-year-old genius/inventor whose experiments sometimes go awry with comedic...
Blake’s summer vacation at Fever Swamp is certainly exciting! In the last issue, she discovered a cozy house deep in the woods...
The ocean can be a beautiful, majestic thing, but as the characters in Sea of Sorrows are learning, it can also be cold, unforgiving...
Writer Ed Brubaker and artist Steve Epting start on the cover and keep things in high gear through the very last page. If this series is as good...
From the days when he and Mike Baron were creating indy comics heaven in the pages of Nexus, we’ve always known Steve Rude illustrated...
The mutated masses of New York City are breaking into the Baxter Building, and the heroes make a bold stand to stop them as...