The critically acclaimed manga adaptation of BBC’s Sherlock hits season two with the intrepid detective finally coming face to face with the...
Ever since moving into Rycroft Manor, Daphne and her ex-boyfriend Ronnie have found themselves pulled into the lives of the Manor’s more unique...
After a dramatic several days in which Kamala had to help save her father, defeat her own super-suit and maybe-sorta start...
A gang war was ready to break out between the Owl and the Librises, though Hell’s Kitchen is on fire for another reason...
After taking down the Ark facility, De’Neesa and Chick meet a scientist who explains why they are holding children captive...
The Hellmouth event is over and the book is taking a short reprieve from Sunnydale to travel to Jamaica...
When the children of Archer’s Peak begin to go missing and start dying in horrific ways, everything seems hopeless. The local police are...
The timey-wimey madness continues! A trip to the ‘60s went from groovy to terrifying in a matter of moments, which let’s be honest is pretty...
When Steven and Connie aren’t helping the Gems protect Beach City from a myriad of dangers, they enjoy some leisurely time in the public library...
Coming off the heels of witnessing an actual battle between two goddesses, you’d think the Lumberjanes would be ready for a calm evening...