Carol has been tasked with killing the Avengers by the mutated Kree known as the Vox Supreme, and she has apparently...
The Roku miniseries comes to a crashing, bloody end in issue 4. Despite spending much of the last issue trading punches, Roku and Ember-1...
In a move to stop a second war between the Browncoats and the Alliance, Malcolm Reynolds turned himself into the Alliance. But rather...
Fairy tales and fables teach kids plenty of good lessons about the world around them – about honesty, about kindness...
What do you do when you accidentally smash a hole into another dimension? If you are aspiring documentarian Jane and her best friend/amateur...
What lies in store for Max, Chloe, and Rachel as the third arc of the video game tie-in reaches its finale? Let's just say…have your tissues ready...
Tony Stark has revealed that he’s simply an artificial intelligence construct, and that the real Tony Stark is dead, leading to...
Felicia Hardy – better known as the Black Cat – has returned to New York in just enough time to make Spider-Man’s life more...
Buffy and Angel have discovered that Drusilla is not the one leading the demons who are breaking out of the Hellmouth, but rather...
Rai and Raijin fight separate but interconnected battles in Rai #3. Rai has collapsed and is seemingly comatose, leaving Raijin to assess...