As Travis Morgan brawls in a tavern, Mariah and Machiste reminisce about their previous adventures with the Warlord...
As Travis Morgan brawls in a tavern, Mariah and Machiste reminisce about their previous adventures with the Warlord...
A disgruntled, World War II era veteran goes undercover and finds goodness in Luke Cage – then decides to nuke Manhattan anyway...
A madcap gang of anthropomorphic friends team to free Santa Claus and save Christmas from the Groundhog’s takeover plot...
A sales catalog of toys, posters, books and other merchandise featuring DC and Marvel superheroes and other genre creations...
Looking to improve efficiency, Santa adopts the elves’ plan to utilize a new computer that’s “never wrong.” Uh oh...
Near golden arches in Gary, Indiana, Killraven and company battle the monstrous Devourer, as well as Atalon and the Sacrificer...
A group of intelligent apes who worship the memory of Superman wonder if Ben Boxer is the “Mighty One” returned...
The mysterious Eric Dante promises unlimited power for the world – but is his offer too good to be true...