Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for July 19-25, 2024...
Animated movies and TV shows are typically happy, uplifting fare with anthropomorphic animals, songs, juvenile gags, fairy tale aspects...
MLJ Magazines, Inc., founded by Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit, and John L. Goldwater, began publishing comics in 1939. Starting with...
MLJ Magazines, Inc. began publishing comics in 1939. Founded by Maurice Coyne, Louis Silberkleit, and John L. Goldwater, the company’s name...
He delivered his own type of music comprised of country, rock and roll, blues, folk, rockabilly, and gospel...
Actor Patrick Stewart is turning 84. Check out these other celebrity birthdays...
Samson and company head up the Huz’n in a river boat, visit the Met Cloisters and fight a radioactive unicorn...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for July 12-18, 2024...
Archie Andrews is just an average boy next door from a nice small town where he has a goofy best friend and two girls that...
The Fourth of July is a popular holiday in American comics as characters take a break from fighting for truth, justice, and the American way to...