Frank Castle was a soldier and family man who became a violent, murderous vigilante after a personal tragedy destroyed his world...
Based on Cyborg, a novel by Martin Caidin, The Six Million Dollar Man first aired as a TV movie in 1973. The first film was a major ratings...
One of Aquaman’s greatest and most persistent foes over the years has been Black Manta, who first appeared in Aquaman #35...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for February 16-22, 2024...
A four-part limited series that was supposed to be Marvels 2 from Kurt Busiek instead became an entertaining first-person perspective...
The “Master” stands revealed: The Legion faces the wrath of Darkseid – and his three billion Daxamite slaves...
Now live in the Apple Store and the Google Play Store, the updated Overstreet Access app includes an added image scanner...
When Communist forces capture a woman from a US science lab, the government calls in Cannon to eliminate her...