A unique creation of science and magic, Man-Thing is a powerful hero saddled with immense responsibility and challenging circumstances...
A swash buckling Puss in Boots stole the show in the hit computer animated movie, Shrek 2, but did you know that the character of Puss in Boots was first created many years before that?
In 1940 editor Sheldon Mayer and writer Gardner Fox conceived an idea that would be a pivotal concept for comics: the creation of the superhero team...
Murphy Anderson was a comic book creator whose status among his peers was as iconic as that of the characters he worked on...
What do you do if you have created a comic book universe of colorful Ultra-powered characters and the like, and you want to introduce...
The future members of the next generation Atari Force continue their separate adventures, including a battle between Dart and a warbeast...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for May 14-20, 2021...
Director George Lucas is turning 77. Check out these other celebrity birthdays...
Preceded by a mail order business, a chain of comic book stores, and even a distribution firm, brothers Steve and Bill Schanes’ 1980s...
The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide’s thorough reporting of innumerable comic book values has been complimented by charts that...