Composer John Barry worked on a multitude of film scores, among which were several in the James Bond film franchise...
Few actors embody a character so well that their image becomes synonymous with that character...
Lois Lane finds herself with a rival for Superman’s affection: a sentient, alien tree with erotic dreams of world domination...
From the time Star Wars: A New Hope had its history making run in theaters to a few years after Return of the Jedi concluded...
In 1966 as the Batman TV show captured the imagination of much of the western world, retailers in just about every category raced to cash...
President Abraham Lincoln is considered one of the greatest presidents the United States has seen. He has been immortalized in stone, on our...
Archie Goodwin and Walter Simonson’s Manhunter, which took a classic Joe Simon and Jack Kirby creation and turned it on its ear, was...
An energy packet released from a nova star gains sentience and eventually makes its way to Earth to become...E-Man...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for March 5-11, 2021...