Once upon a time, DC Comics’ pre-Vertigo titles were indeed cutting edge. Animal Man, Hellblazer, Sandman, Swamp Thing, and, of course...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for January 8-14, 2021...
In today’s modern retail market, the name “Tiffany” is most closely associated with...
Robert Kinoshita was a giant of production design, known for his widely influential robot designs during the heyday of 1950s and 1960s...
Not a lot is known about Glenn Cravath’s life, but it turns out he is an important name for fans of old movie serials. In particular...
Dick Ayers worked in comic books and cartoons, and is widely regarded for his tenure inking Jack Kirby’s pencils in the 1950s and 1960s...
The Micronauts began life as comic book characters thanks to a fortuitous accident on Christmas of 1977. Comic book scribe Bill Mantlo’s son...
After slaughtering some Norse barbarians, Conan follows a naked female through the snow – and into a trap...
Here’s the latest installment of Maggie Thompson’s ongoing look at important beginnings, middles, and ends, this time for December 31, 2020 through January 7, 2021...
Avengers star Jeremy Renner celebrates 50. Check out these other celebrity birthdays...