Clue #2

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: July 19, 2017|Views: 4|


IDW; $3.99

In the debut issue of the Clue miniseries Mr. Boddy was murdered. The police were called and began investigating. At the onset of issue 2 (of 5) there’s another victim and even more questions.

Detectives Ochre and Amarillo interrogate the suspects ‒ minus Miss Scarlet, for some reason – while Upton tries to meet their requests for entertainment and furnishings. The Detectives find a secret room filled with research on the assembled guests, including the fact that the second victim was making payments to one of the suspects.

Two guests get restless enough to make a break for it, another assault is committed, and a mysterious flower is found in the back yard. The end promises that in the next issue we’ll learn more about the flower and a shocking revelation that will change everything!

Clue, written by Paul Allor, continues to be a fun, entertaining title. The story is updated, though its roots in the board game and influence from the film version are ever present. Becoming more complicated, but not to the point of confusion or convolution.

The art by Nelson Daniel is creative, drawn from cool angles, with lots of detail and emotion. It brings the story alive with plenty of personality.

Amanda Sheriff
