COVER STORY: Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23
What makes the best comic book covers? It is a great topic for debate. For us, as individuals, there is no wrong answer, of course; it is purely subjective. But, with a little thought it’s possible to explain what it is about a particular image that grabs you. The best images are the ones that make you stop and check out something you weren’t previously planning to purchase – and in some cases, you even end up picking up a title you’ve never even heard of before.
Did you know that DC Comics’ Man of Tomorrow had a sidekick? Apparently, neither did Superman – but out of nowhere here comes Boy Thunder.
Intrigued? If you are a fan of Mark Waid and Alex Ross and this Dynamic Duo’s work, you should be. Boy Thunder has the makings of a hero… or a villain. He travelled to our world from a parallel earth via an interdimensional ship. And based on this multi-part origin, he has had an extreme reaction to his mentors Batman and Superman – making him turn to the evil New God men call Gog.
And, as revealed by the epic cover for Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #23, his innate fury has been unleashed with his transformation into Magog. In fact, in the original iteration of The Kingdom, its authors would have focused on the early days of Kingdom Come’s premier antihero, a complex character Waid referred to in the preliminary series bible (dated November 8, 1996) as “gullible” and “a villain who thinks he’s a hero.”
He is also a warrior that men should fear, and they do!
Find this comic for yourself, if you can, and discover the power behind this complex character for yourselves. You won’t want to miss this one – or its telling cover – for the world!
–Scott Braden