COVER STORY: Six-Million Dollar Man #2

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: December 30, 2022|Views: 2|


What makes the best comic book covers? It is a great topic for debate. For us, as individuals, there is no wrong answer, of course; it is purely subjective. But, with a little thought it’s possible to explain what it is about a particular image that grabs you. The best images are the ones that make you stop and check out something you weren’t previously planning to purchase – and in some cases, you even end up picking up a title you’ve never even heard of before.

It’s true! TV viewers sitting in front of their sets in the 1970s were alerted to all-out action and high adventure with: “Steve Austen: Astronaut. A man barely alive. We can rebuild him; we have the technology. We can turn him into the first bionic man. Better. Stronger. Faster.” And millions wanted more. Enter Charlton Comics. 

The publisher got its crack with E-Man creators – writer Nicola Cuti and artist Joe Staton – on the assignment. But how could they get this book to really stand out on the stands? For the powers that be at Charlton, the answer was an easy one to make. Assign the job to comics great Neal Adams – and get it done!

Six-Million Dollar Man #2 (August 1976) offered fans some bionic fun only one month after America’s Bicentennial – while, at the same time, holding its own admirably against Jack “King” Kirby’s spectacular return to Marvel’s resident Super-Soldier just months before. Drawing Steve Austen twice on the cover – one being the man and one being a voodoo doll – it had fans the world over leaving their small screens and going to newsstands everywhere. This must-have issue cover also did a lot to help market Kenner’s successful Six Million Dollar Man action figure. Two birds with one stone? Sure!

Anyway, this is a tough book to find in good condition. Still, if you find one on your radar, pick it up; it may not bring you $6 million dollars but it is nevertheless priceless!

Scott Braden
