COVER STORY: The Scorpion #3

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 27, 2023|Views: 2|


What makes the best comic book covers? It is a great topic for debate. For us, as individuals, there is no wrong answer, of course; it is purely subjective. But, with a little thought it’s possible to explain what it is about a particular image that grabs you. The best images are the ones that make you stop and check out something you weren’t previously planning to purchase – and in some cases, you even end up picking up a title you’ve never even heard of before.

The Scorpion #3 (July 1975) from Atlas-Seaboard, a rethinking of Howard Chaykin’s arguable precursor to Marvel Comics’ Dominic Fortune, took the Nedor route – turning pulp heroes into the super-kind.

Scripted by Gabriel Levy with both interior and cover art by Jim Craig, the book and cover do feature some pulp standards – including a golem fighting for an Axis-styled Golden Fuhrer. It is more Red Skull than Yellow Claw, I would say.  

The last issue of a series that should have been given more of a chance, maybe somebody someday will revisit this fascinating hero and bring him back to the comic fold to thrill readers again. 

One can hope.

-Scott Braden
