Firefly #20

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: September 17, 2020|Views: 14|


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In the last issue of Firefly the Bandit King broke Kaylee, Jayne, and Leonard out of jail, stole their money, and attacked Blue Sun outposts. The issue ended with the revelation that the Bandit King is none other than Malcolm Reynolds.

Firefly #20 opens with an amusing ruse as Mal continues to steal from Blue Sun as the Bandit King while pretending to chase him as Sheriff Reynolds. Once he insists that his friends leave to keep them safe, the issue switches locales to finally show what Zoë, Wash, River, Simon, and Book have been doing all this time.

Greg Pak gave this issue some good humor as Mal trades hamfisted barbs with himself and impassioned dialogue as Zoë explains their new mission. It’s great to finally see what Zoë, Wash, and the others have been up to for the past several issues. As they plan for the future, Mal is still poking the Blue Sun bear, which can take this story in all sorts of directions.

Amanda Sheriff
