Firefly #21

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 21, 2020|Views: 4|


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In the Firefly: Blue Sun Rising one-shot, readers were introduced to the next phase in technology from Blue Sun: law enforcement robots. Mal was given one to be his partner, and though it was destroyed, its data was retrieved by the corporation to create a new robot. One that looks a lot like Mal.

The reach of the new Blue Sun police robots is felt very strongly in Firefly #21, and not many people are happy about it. Blue Sun has always had more power than they should, but with these new robots, their reach and dominance is getting out of hand. This makes Mal and his crew, that he hasn’t been with for a long time, quite uneasy.

With this arc, Greg Pak is showing the dangers of corporate interference in law enforcement and civil issues. It isn’t the soaring through space action we’re used to in Firefly, but Serenity’s crew will likely retaliate soon.

Amanda Sheriff
