Firefly Blue Sun Rising #1

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: December 30, 2020|Views: 16|


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The Blue Sun event comes to a close in Firefly Blue Sun Rising #1. In the last issue of Firefly, the crew of Serenity successfully shut down Blue Sun’s robots without crippling the rest of the ‘Verse. Not to be outdone, the powerful corporation found a way to kill Serenity’s power mid-flight.

After a harrowing few pages, Kaylee and the other mechanically-minded crew members save the ship. But, once its landed, Mal and the crew discover something disturbing has happened on the ground. Knowing that it’s a bad idea, Serenity’s crew decide to mount one more assault against Blue Sun and the vicious sector leader.

When this arc began it seemed like a silly story about rule-breaking Mal becoming a sheriff, but has grown into a big event for the title. I’ve praised Greg Pak several times for his writing on this title and will continue to do so now, because he did such a great job of setting up very steep odds with a plausible outcome. He understands the characters too, infusing each with their TV show voices and personalities.

This was an entertaining story and I look forward to more.

Amanda Sheriff
