Frank Miller’s Pandora #5
Frank Miller Presents; $3.99
Oh, another Frank Miller Presents comic and I love it. Big surprise! This is getting to be a routine. Not that I’m complaining about good comics, mind you. No, they’re not quite unicorn rare, but they’re still pretty darn scarce out in the wild.
But not from Frank Miller, Dan DiDio, and company. Seriously, they’re batting 1.000 right now.
The worst thing I can say about this book is the solicitation copy doesn’t do it justice.
While I fully expected to love Ronin Book II and Ancient Enemies, Frank Miller’s Pandora has proven to be an unexpected favorite.
Miller, Emma Kubert, and writers Anthony Maranville and Chris Silvestri have delivered five straight issues in a genre that’s normally not in my wheelhouse – YA fantasy – and made it one of those comics I save for last on the weeks it arrives in comic shops.
Kubert’s art and colors are spirited and up to the story she’s been given. Her art and colors take full advantage of the beautiful paper stock and excellent production values, too.
– J.C. Vaughn